About Haplo

Haplo – from the Greek “hapl==ó==os”, meaning “single” or “simple”.

Haplo has a single namespace for all the items it manages, dynamically creating subsets as required, using an information architecture which is very simple yet powerful, enabling it to express complex information in an easy to understand manner.

Haplo is best used for developing information applications where you can use the main Haplo user interface for the majority of the UI. Here’s how Haplo compares to other tools.

A mature platform for information applications

Platform highlights

Technical details

Data model

Key platform services

The platform API encourages a programming style where:

Plugin development

The Haplo server can be run in a special mode which adds plugin development tools. The Plugin Tool runs on your computer, observing changes to the plugin source on your local computer. When it notices a change, it automatically uploads the file and updates the server, for immediate testing without a server restart.

When you want to release the plugin, you use the plugin tool to ‘pack’ the plugin. This generates a production version with minified client side resources, and adds a manifest and version for use by the management systems.

For the open version, plugins are deployed by moving the packed plugin to the configured plugins directory. Plugins can be updated within a running server without a restart, allowing zero downtime for plugin updates.